
Fallon Excerpt

Hi folks!! As I've mentioned, I will occasionally post excerpts from my fantasy novel, Fallon . This excerpt comes from chapter 4, so it's still fairly early in the book. I hope you all enjoy!! And please feel free to ask questions in the comments đź–¤ . . . . . Ianthe had never been particularly angry at the prince, even when he’d hurled some rather choice insults at her the last night they spoke. She’d learned at a very young age growing up with six brothers that reacting harshly in return only ended up worse for her. And if anything, she was surprised that he had enough backbone to attempt standing up to her and was grateful he didn’t have quite enough to realize her threats were close to empty. But she’d let him think she was angry to keep him from doing anything too rash, and so far, it seemed to be working. It was a risk to let him go into the forest so often, she knew he’d figure out the tricks sooner or later, but it kept him busy, and allowed her time to talk to Cassian


I'm what's considered a "no sabo" kid in that I'm of Mexican heritage (in my case, I'm first gen) but I don't speak Spanish. This is something I struggle with on multiple fronts. One, it's the language of my people's colonizers. Part of me will always feel like they "won" by forcing us to speak their language. My ancestors are from Michoacán, I should be speaking native Purépecha. But, Two, it IS the language most of my people speak. It's the language of my abuelos, it's the language of my tías and tíos. Three, I KNOW it's not my fault I don't speak Spanish. I was raised by older parents (I'm adopted), and they thought it was safer to just speak English. I understand that. But I'm an adult now, so, Four, doesn't that mean it's MY responsibility to learn the language? Yes! a certain extent. Personally, I've TRIED to learn. I've watched videos, done workbooks, and have taken five c

A Different Kind of Mushroom Trip - Release Date

Hi lovelies! The release date for A Different Kind of Mushroom Trip is here! The novella will be available on August 15th at 11:59pm PDT on Amazon Kindle! And remember, you do not need a kindle to read kindle stories, you just need the app!! This story will be published under my real name, Angelica Medlin. Synopsis: Mari Delgado never really believed in fairy tales. For years, her grandmother warned Mari of the fair folk, but for years, Mari continued to think they were just stories. She loved hiking, after all, wouldn't she have seen something by now if there was anything to see? And so, Mari continued her treks into the woods. But one day, Mari accidentally finds a fairy ring, and that's when everything changes.  

Storytime Blog Hop July - Good Dog

Hello! Welcome to my first blog hop contribution! I will hopefully be uploading at least one free flash piece here every month or so, along with updates about upcoming projects and publications! Let me know what you think, thanks for reading! ----- Pookie was a good dog. She liked to play coy when called, understood spilling her kibble on the floor was the superior way to eat, and was convinced slippers were simply the enemy. She loved the word “no” when she wanted to say hello to people, knew the food off mama’s plate was much tastier, and sometimes, when she was extra excited, she couldn’t help but pee a little on the floor. But Pookie was a good dog. The night the loud noises came, Pookie hid under mama’s arm, the two huddled in the empty tub of the upstairs bathroom. Bang after bang shook the walls, noises that were much louder than the moving pictures Pookie saw on TV downstairs. She could hear voices, trembling and inaudible, and the overwhelming smell of something dead, but coul

Working on New Er0tic Novella

Hi everyone! I've been working on a new erotic novella as of late, and I'm hoping it'll be ready to publish on Amazon Kindle come mid-August. I won't be posting snippets of it here, as I want this blog to remain family friendly, but I do have snippets available on my Patreon , and will be posting the link when the novella is published and available. In the meantime, I'd like to show off the title and cover! As you'll probably notice, my works of erotica are under a pseudonym I go by: Azzie Leiker. You can find my other erotica stories on Amazon under that name as well!

Welcome to the blog!

Hello friends! I'd like to give a warm welcome to anyone who stumbles across or finds my blog! My name is Angelica "Angie" Medlin, and I have been a writer for most of my 29 years of life. I have a few other platforms I will link here, feel free to follow me everywhere! And thanks for being here <3 Much love, Angie Facebook Page X Patreon X Erotica Collections From the Thoughts While He's at Work series Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9