First Sneak Peek of New Post-Apocalyptic Writing Project
CW: danger, zombies, blood, guns
It didn’t take long for the other lumbering, strange-smelling humans to start running towards them too, and as Indigo looked to Mira for guidance, she could see tears welling at the corners of the human’s eyes.Suddenly, Mira stopped, backtracking a few steps as she came up to a building with bars across the front. She turned down the alley next to the building, and the dogs were right behind her as she found a door off to the side of said building. Indigo watched Mira tug on the door, but it didn’t budge, causing the human to scream in what the dog could only assume was frustration. Indigo watched Mira aim the object in her hands at the door then, shaking as the sounds of the strange humans grew closer, before the object clicked again.
Indigo was sure she’d never heard such a noise in all her life. She’d heard similar sounds during the Loud Night, but they had been far, far away, adding to the dreaded ambiance of the unknown her and Benji had experienced then. Now, the sound was right there, and it caused her ears to ring with such an intensity that she couldn’t remember where exactly she was for several seconds.
“Indigo!” she suddenly heard Benji’s thought-voice come through as he barked at her, and she shook her head, refocusing on what was going on. She could suddenly see Mira standing in the doorway of the building, shouting “come!” over and over again. Benji was next to her, and he was barking furiously, telling Indigo to turn around.
She did, her eyes widening as the first of the strange humans lunged at her. Indigo dodged him, taking in the putrid smell that radiated from his being, and the boils and blemishes that marred his skin. She was disgusted, and disoriented, and barely noticed the second human coming up behind her until she heard Benji growl. Indigo had never seen the older dog attack someone, but in that moment, he did, his teeth latching onto the strange woman’s leg. The woman, putrid and festering like the man, squealed like an animal.
When Indigo turned back to the man, he was grabbing her, and something suddenly rumbled inside her chest that had never been there before. Indigo, calm, well-behaved, good-girl Indigo, sunk her teeth into the man’s hand, causing his to reel back and release her.
Both dogs were free now, and both could now run to Mira, who was pleading with them to come at that point. The dogs finally obeyed, and before the strange humans could attack again, Mira had shut the door behind them.
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